Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I took the time to come home and reconnect with the people that I care about. I also learned a lesson in how certain areas are not as busy as others when it comes to the expedite business. A semi hard lesson learned as I have been sitting in the Tampa area fro 48 hours and not one call. I appreciate the rest and relaxation, but I need to work too. :)

While driving home last week, I went through a series of thunderstorms that had me driving very defensively for a bit. I stopped at a gas station in South Carolina to fill up my tank before committing myself for the long haul. The sun was setting and I saw the water droplets reflecting light from the setting sun and it struck me about how small things affect me as very unusual moments in my life.

Taking the time to reconnect to those who are important to you may not seem the biggest of deals to most people, especially if you are home every day after a 8 hour shift at work. If you are a long time reader of my words, you will know that I am anything but standard in the way I go about doing things. My life is a series of trades and jobs that allow me to see the world in a different light than most of those who are around me. Even on day to day things, I feel that I am outcast simply because I see things differently that most do. Be that on an emotional level or a mixture or emotion and logic. I never claim to be right or wrong. I leave those decisions to others who feel the need to keep a score. I just like to try and point out that there is always another choice, always another view, always another path that can be taken. All you need to do is pick a direction and go.

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